Beef Smell From Cooking in House


<font color=blue>Wants to Talk to the Dolphins!<br

  • #1

I just made tacos using ground chuck and i'll tell you, I can not stand the smell of it when it is cooking. :crazy2: Does anyone else have this problem? My mom used to use ground beef alot and I never remember it smelling when she cooked it. Maybe I need to go to the meat counter and try it there instead of using the prepackaged.

  • #2

maybe your meat is spoiled?

tar heel

<font color=royalblue>Where will we get our news i

  • #3

I think you answered your own question. I think the prepackaged is gross. Exactly what do they put into to give it that long shelf life? It's BOGOF at our store this week, but I won't be buying any.

I'm talking about those tube-shaped packages -- I assume that's what you meant.

I'm not a fan of meats that have sodium solutions added. This means I stay away from most of Walmart's "fresh" meat and those big bags of frozen chicken breasts.


<font color=blue>Wants to Talk to the Dolphins!<br

  • #6

MsLeFever said:

maybe your meat is spoiled?

Nope, just bought it and it has days left before it expires. And it just didn't happen today, I have noticed that it smells bad while cooking for a few years now. I think I will try going to the meat counter for now on, it can't smell any worse.



<font color=green>I just love those parmesan mashe

  • #8

We only buy Laura's Lean Ground Beef & I've never noticed a "bad" smell before.


<font color=purple>My dd is the love of my life!!<

  • #9

I think it has to do with the blood in the meat cooking but I am not sure because I don't always smell it. I do not remember it smelling when I was a kid either. Maybe the combination of the blood and whatever "other stuff" is in the beef these days.



<font color=teal>Weekend spelunker<br><font color=

  • #10

daisyduck123 said:

We only buy Laura's Lean Ground Beef & I've never noticed a "bad" smell before.

I LOVE Laura's Lean. That's all we buy. I think it's worth the extra money.

  • #12

Can't stand the smell....I'm not a big meat eater and the smell of cooking ground beef just about makes me throw up! I do a lot of gagging...sometimes DH feels sorry for me and will take over which is so nice...YUCK!! It's just soooo gross!


I want to go on a cruise! I want to move to sunny

  • #13

I don't use much ground beef, but I think it is the blood.

I would never buy the pre-packaged stuff. That is why I won't shop at Tops anymore. That is all they sell. They got rid of their butchers.

  • #15

I think that the posters who have mentioned what is ADDED to the beef are correct. I am especially sensitive to that 'solution', and I HATE the smell.

I started using Laura's Lean... NO additives...
Now I buy my ground beef at Food City. Fresh Ground every day, with NO solution added. It is excellent!

One more tip.

Do NOT buy ground chuck. YUCK!!! Just that cut of meat alone seems to have that 'smell'. I can always smell that distinctive smell when a chuck-roast is cooking.

Go for the GROUND ROUND!!!!
I will never buy chuck, or prepackaged beef ever again... NEVER.

Try it... You'll see!!! ;)

  • #16

We buy our meat at Costco, they seem to have the best around here, then we grind it ourselves with the kitchenaid attachment. It's hard to go back to preground meat after that.


This person totally gets me

  • #18

hdecker said:

I never had a problem with ground beef - until I got pregnant the 3rd time. It's been 14 years now and I still cannot stand the smell of cooking meat. Has to be something in it they added around that time.

My first thought when I saw the post was - is she pregnant? That's when ground beef started bothering me.


<font color=purple>My dd is the love of my life!!<

  • #19

disykat said:

My first thought when I saw the post was - is she pregnant? That's when ground beef started bothering me.

Back when I was pregnant with dd I could not stand to be around any raw meat. It was hard to get away from it because I worked at a grocer store at the time(Publix) and at times I had to run a register. I had to run to the bathroom a couple of times in the middle of ringing someone up because they bought a bunch of meat....that and/or that Campbells soup in the jar(IT looked like throw-up in a jar) Also we lived near a Winn-Dixie that was being remodeled at the time and the fish smell was so bad I could not even walk in that store. That was when dh started doing all the grocery shopping!!


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