Funny Talking Shaun Mod Fallout 4
What is there to say about Fallout 4 memes? There is so much that even just 25 of them isn't enough to define them. Some are funny while others nail the ethos of the game. But Bother are hilarious.
While Fallout 4 didn't win "Game Of The Year" in 2015, it still won gamers hearts with its poignant storytelling, graphics, and vast map of exploration. That is why so many hardcore Fallout 4 players created hilarious memes on their experience. All gamers can agree that the logic of Fallout 4 isn't always realistic, it is a video game after all. Players have seen funny glitches, witnessed the most hilarious of dialogue options, and have spent hours creating meme-worthy characters. Some players, like myself, and want to create a character model after their own likeness. Others, want to create radiated monsters like the wastelands they travel.
Glitches would have to be my favorite parts of gaming. The one glitch I have seen that always amuses me is seeing a Brahmin on top of the roof in the sanctuary, and from what I am told, I am not the only one who has had this glitch.
Memes are the best way to express emotion on the internet. We all have that one co-worker who acts like a Deathclaw on Monday mornings, and we tag our other co-worker buddies to laugh about it. Feeling down? The comics will guarantee laughter if it is needed.
24 Preston Needs To Be Stopped!

Preston is by far the most annoying character any of our players have ever come across. Nothing seems to be good enough for him, we save one settlement and then another one pops up! Why doesn't he just let us find our son!?
Okay, we don't really care about finding our son. It is still frustrating when we have completed so many settlement missions for him and he keeps coming back to ask us to do more. Another settlement will always need our help, but we don't have to go help if we don't want to.
He is just that one NPC every game has. We have to put up with it, and be mad about it. Of course, things are a bit worse with Preston since he doesn't have much facial animation to complete his persona.
23 I've Already Started Collecting Bottle Caps, I'm So Ready

This is the only logical thing to do right? Since currency isn't being made anymore our only option is to use Nuka-Cola caps to buy weapons and food in the Commonwealth. I have a collection of every type of bottlecap, so I think I am more than prepared!
When did this tradition start?
Collecting bottlecaps started in the first two Fallout games due to the scarcity of them and the people in the wasteland have been doing it ever since! This is one of those things that only gamers are going to keep track of, because we've got the inside scoop on how this whole post-apocalypse business works. It's gonna be a cakewalk for Fallout 4 fans.
22 Trying To Look Busy?

This one has been very popular and is mentioned in our other article "24 Fallout 4 Logic Memes That Prove The Game Makes No Sense."
Everyone who lives on a settlement should pitch in and help with the maintenance, but this person is obviously trying to do the bare minimum. We all know a person like this at our work, maybe sharing this meme and tagging them in it would let them know that they need to step it up.
Where is the dustpan?
I don't think that the developer's intended on having this NPC sweeping the dirt. They were likely closer to the sidewalk and road which made sense to sweep, but they decided to move around the settlement. I still like to think they were just being lazy and didn't want to contribute though, just look at their form. Not good.
21 Well That's Just The Smart Thing To Do

This may seem like a moral gray area but who just leaves all their stuff out where our traveler could take and sell it back to them? In this economy? Of course, it is the smart thing to do because our character is just trying to survive!
They have the memories of goldfish.
I typically don't steal in Fallout though, I'm always afraid I am going to get caught and have an entire city run me out. There is a certain level of finesse that I don't have when it comes to stealing, and it always seems like NPCs are watching me constantly like they know I'm thinking about it. I suppose I could always have Dogmeat steal though.
20 We All Become Primitive SpongeBob At Some Point

Unless someone was living under a rock, no pun intended (Patrick Star), everyone knows that SpongeBob memes are the most popular on social media. So naturally, someone with a love for Fallout 4 would make one with Primitive Sponge.
All this means is that if there is an option to fast travel, you best bet that I would be using it to get out of that radiation area!
One thing I would have to question is what player, who made this meme, decided to go to an area with no Rad-Away, such a rookie mistake that could have been avoided.
19 Do gmeat Is Too Efficient

Dogmeat is one of the best companions I have had while playing Fallout 4, but that doesn't mean he does everything right. At least not in this comic.
I have spent my fair share of time not doing any part of the main story mission and exploring the commonwealth searching for junk to sell. I have requested that Dogmeat find something useful to craft with, so if he came back with my child I would likely be a little miffed because I wanted to earn finding him. There is no sense of completion if Dogmeat does everything for me, if that was the case he can go help the settlements that need me with Preston.
18 My Husband Is Gone? How Tragic

Mixing Star Trek and Fallout 4 shouldn't work but in this case, it does.
I love every variation of this meme — it's the perfect 'feigns surprise' expression. I am a very sarcastic person, so I identify with this meme on every level. When I started to replay a second time, I didn't bother with adjusting the husband's face because there is no point to it. He was going to be taken out so early on anyways, and I was more concerned with how my character looked. So, I'm sorry NPC husband…but I've got other stuff to do. Needless to say, anyone replayingFallout is going to have a similar feeling. After all, there's a world of things to explore, why spend more time on things that don't matter.
17 Video Game Logic = Wut?

How frustrating is it when you don't have enough lockpics or your skill isn't strong enough to open a door but there is a broken window right next to it? Logic would tell you to just climb through the window. Bethesda thinks "Nope, can't do that!"
Can't lockpick a door with a broken window?
To add insult to injury, one door has a window built into it that is broken and you still need a skill of 100 to go through it? My mind is full of…
And another thing! If I am carrying around an RPG, can't I just blast the door to smithereens? Nope, because the door is indestructible with its broken window.
16 It's Just Collecting Dust Then

I had this logic when playing Fallout 4. I first got the power armor and my thoughts were to preserve it as much as possible and subjected my character to getting shot down rather than using the suit. I worked so hard to get that power armor and there was no way I was going to leave it in some random place when I ran out of power. I wanted to round up as many fusion cores as I could grab. It looked more like a trophy than an actual suit to equip and I looked at it every time I would stop back in Sanctuary.
If I had the opportunity to clean it like the person in the comic was I would do it too.
15 We Might Need Them Later!

Fallout is a game to get lost in. We all know this, so why bother looking for your son when you can collect cans like the old lady down the street does? Don't be ashamed, you take those cans and make the world a better place!
Those cans have their uses along with other things you scavenge for. For those who have beaten the game, your son wouldn't be in mortal danger anyways. He can take care of himself. For those who haven't played the game, I imagine you're thinking how does a baby survive in the Commonwealth? Well, he is small enough to fit into the trash with those cans, maybe they will be found there!
14 Speaking Of Aluminum Cans…

That guard was obviously not going to use the can, but game logic states that he HAS to accuse you of stealing because well…digging through the trash in Diamond City is obviously an offense so high they must attack you!
The guard is like a toddler who put their toy down for one second but saw that you were going to pick it up and decided they wanted to play with it again. Well, in this instance, the can is now mine and they shouldn't be mad for taking it.Whoever said dumpster diving was a crime? My son could be in this garbage can, you don't know my life! So yes, to answer your question, Fallout 4 has some pretty hysterical logic issues — but that ok, we love it anyway.
13 It's Easier Just To Go After Them, Yes?

In any Bethesda game, stealing is considered bad karma. Attacking those who do harm on others though can bring good karma. You can loot it off their bodies after you take of them, right? I find it easier to take them down and then take their stuff. It is not easy to steal off a raider or a bandit without them noticing. I applaud anyone who does, because I am not stealthy in the least, I go in guns blazing because I want their stuff and their hideout.
Any karma is good karma right?
Bandits tend to steal from innocent, good people so really there shouldn't be bad karma to stealing their things. Maybe I want to return the stuff to their rightful owners? Okay…maybe I won't but they don't deserve the items they have anyways.
12 A Synth-Hunt

When you notice someone doing something that no one else does there is only one logical explanation; they are a synth! I think this about most people.
My best friend doesn't like metal, they are a synth.
This one is the best one because everyone who plays this game can identify and have probably used this one in their daily life about anything. "He doesn't like chocolate? He must be a synth," "They tie their shoes bunny ears style? Well they must be a synth."
In the game, this is like the modern-day witch-hunts of Salem, except some don't have artificial intelligence like Nick Valentine. Most don't consider him to be a true synth because he acts more humanoid. Regardless, this meme is the best way to describe someone who doesn't like or do something the way you want just for giggles.
11 Vault-Tec Rep, Please Ring My Doorbell!

Even in 2018, these questions are fascinating. In this instance, if he rang my doorbell I would probably be like Fry in the "Shut Up and Take my Money" meme, which you can find down the list.
Fallout 4fans are already perfectly well acquainted with their first meeting with the suburban visitor. There's a lot of subtext to read into his questioning, and in a modern context, it hits even closer to home.Fallout 4 really nails so much of its theme — and it's decidedly hilarious to poke at it in meme form. Now if only we could be this well equipped if there ever was a real wasteland to deal with.
10 There Is No Such Thing As Too Many Memes

I am addicted to memes. There! I said it! I won't be the first nor last to admit it! This particular meme has been used outside of the Fallout fandom, but only true players of the game would fully understand this one.
Too much of a good thing is what it is.
If a player is consuming too poison or Med-X, they can become dependent on it just like a real person could. Now I'm not certain if being addicted to memes is being recognized, but there is one for video games (don't get me started). Maybe down the road, we've already seen the power of memes — and know how much they can make us laugh on a whim.
9 The Oh So Stylish Piper Wright

This meme is a relatively new one after Emma Watson did a photo shoot with Vogue. People noticed that whoever chooses her outfits for the shoot might have been a Fallout fan.
With this outfit, she bore a striking resemblance to Piper Wright, the investigative journalist in Diamond City. Emma likely has the gift of gab as well since she speaks at so many human rights events. If you really think about it, Piper could be based off Emma Watson. Which is not likely, but it is easy to compare the two. In any event,Fallout 4 fans are sure to do a double-take if they see this comparison — the meeting of two incredible worlds. Now that we mention it, aFalloutgame starring Emma Watson would be a real treat.
8 Where's My Chil— Oh Look Screws!

We all get sidetracked when playing open-world games, but Fallout takes it to extremes. The player should be looking for their son but instead is out scavenging and helping Preston save settlements. Besides, why is it my job to look for somebody? I'm not a detective! If anything, I should pay Nick Valentine in bottlecaps to find my son! I want to spend my time looting raiders areas and trying to do side quests in Diamond City. So at least I know that I have something in common with whoever made this meme. Maybe after 80 hours of marathoningFallout 4 you can take a beat, remember what you started, and finish that main quest ... but it's never that easy is it? After all: there is so much base-building to be done!
7 It. Has. To. Be. Perfect!

If there any players like me, they know they have to do EVERYTHING! I am a completionist and I cannot leave an area unfinished. The picture is over-the-top though, I would fortify, but this looks like it took longer than 25 hours. Finding enough materials to construct a turret system proved to be difficult in my playthrough because it required scrapping in areas where I was likely to get shot at.
So, I suppose the picture is somewhat of a lie as you would have to travel outside of sanctuary to get the materials to have it look like this! I'm sorry I had to break it to you like this. The point remains the same though: players can easily spend dozens of hours working exclusively on their base designs.
6 Water Cures All

Game mechanics make no sense when the thing that is supposed to end you can also heal you. If real life worked like that, more people would be cured of a lot of things. I'm pretty sure that even if this meme was true I would find excuses not to drink water because that's how I am generally. Video game players don't drink water and eat healthy?! We drink Mountain Dew and eat bags of Doritos to refuel. That's just the harsh truth, and I won't hear any other version of things.
It is probably best to stay away from all water.
There is radiation in the water anyways so why would we want to go in anyway? Just stick to Nuka-Cola okay?
5 Taking Too Much Off Is An Understatement Here…

Glitches like this one make video games more fun. It is especially fun when someone asks if they are alright or if they like how it looks. If I had eyes, or a head for that matter I could tell you! This glitch is especially funny because we have all seen headless NPC's but the fact that it decides when the person is getting their haircut in Diamond City to glitch makes it even better. I would have a feeling that John the barber is more like Sweeney Todd here, the demon barber of Diamond City.
Make sure to tip your barber next time you go to John…otherwise he may take your head like he did this poor soul in this meme.
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