Funny Video Seagull Dancing in Water
Why don't sea-gulls fly over bays?
Because then they would be bay-gulls.
If a seagull lives by the sea...
If a seagull lives by the sea, what do you call a bird that lives by the bay?
A Bay Gull
If seagulls fly over the sea, what flies over the bay?
Your mom.

Seagull joke
Q: What do you call a seagull that knows martial arts?
A: Steven Seagull
Why do seagulls live by the sea?
Because if they live by the bay, they would be bagels!
What do you call a seagull that flies by the bay?
a bagel
Why do seagulls live by the Sea..?
..Because if they lived by the Bay, they would be bagels!
Honestly this cracked me up when I first heard it.

My dad's best improv
We were driving one day and my dad had to stop the car because a seagull was in the middle of the wet road picking away at a soggy box.
I asked him why he stopped the car instead of driving on.
To which he replied, "He's just trying to get his cardboardhydrates"
Needless to say, everyone in the car was stunned.
I asked a poor pirate why he had a seagull on his shoulder instead of a proper parrot.
" were on sail.'
How do you make a seagull explode?
Convert it to islam
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bagels.
You can explore seagull tern reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean seagull dove dad jokes. There are also seagull puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.
Why do seagulls fly to the dumps along the coast of New England?
To beat the Portugees
Why did the oil covered seagull get sued?
There can only be one goo gull
What do you call a seagull that lives by the Bay?
I don't know, but it won't shut up about the app it's developing.
I saw a huge seagull today...
It was big enough to be a D-gull
But not quite big enough to be an Eagle
I saw a huge seagull today...
It might have been a D-gull
But I don't think it could have been an eagle.

What do you call a bird that punches people?
Steven Seagull
I saw a seagull
I saw a huge seagull this morning. It was big enough to be a D gull... But not quite big enough to be an eagle. One thing's for sure, it definitely wasn't a beagle.
If a seagull flys over the sea, then what flys over the bay?
A bagel!
(Came up with this Louis CK style slapstick literature at 5 years old, give me bronze)
Why do seagulls swim by the sea and not by the bay?
Then they'd be bagels!
Why do seagulls hang out by the sea and not the bay?
Because they're not bagels...
Why do seagulls go to the beach?
Because of the sand, which is there!
What's the difference between a seagull and a pelican?
You can't sea a pelican.
Note: I'm actually on laughing gas rn btw.
A teacher confiscates two birds, a dog, and a handgun from a kindergarten student.
Teacher: "What are you doing with these things?!"
Student: "I'm practicing my alphabet."
Teacher: "Bringing animals and a gun to class is no way to learn!"
Student: "Sure it is. I have a beagle, a seagull, a Deagle, and an eagle."
What do you call a seagull in Nebraska?
what does a digital seagull wear to the beech
a beak.ini
A boy walks up to a pirate
A boy walks up to a pirate and curious about his missing leg, arm, and eye, asks about them.
"Why are your arm and leg missing?" the boy asks.
"Well, I was attacked by a gator while burying me treasure. Now I got me a wooden peg and hook for me hand"
"Then what happened to your eye?"
"Stupid seagull pooped in it."
"A bird pooping in your eye made it fall right out?" The boy asks, surprised.
"No, lad. That was the first day I had my hook!"
What does a seagull call their significant other?
How many, "Suhhh Dudes", does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, it's already lit, Fam!
(Seagull laugh) | opinional
What do you call a blind seagull?
A Can't See Gull
Why do seagulls fly over the sea..? If they flew over the bay they'd be bagels. 🤣
This joke is corny but my absolute favorite. Has been for many years.
Why can't a seagull fly over the bay
Because then it would be a bagel
What do you call an invisible seagull
A gull
So a pirate walks into a bar and sits down next to a man.
The man says, How did you get your peg leg?
The pirate says, A cannon blew me leg straight off.
The man asks, How did you get your hook?
The pirate says, I lost it in a sword fight.
The man asks, How did you get your eye patch?
The pirate says, I was looking at the clouds and a seagull pooped in my eye.
The man says, You lost your eye because of poop?
The pirate says, Nay, it was my first day with the hook.
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because they are bird brains!
Why do seagulls live by the sea?
Because if the lived by the bay, they would be bagels.
My very quiet intern brought this in when I asked her to find a joke a day to share. She couldn't finish telling it without cracking up.
What kind of bird would make a great action movie star?
Steven Sea-gull
It was a man's first day on a pirate ship.
He noticed the captain had a peg leg, a hook for a hand, and a patch over his eye.
The man was curious so he asked the captain how he lost his leg.
The captain responded, Arrrrr, a shark bit me leg off.
The man asked how he lost his hand. Arrrr, I lost me hand in a sword fight.
Finally, the man asked the captain while he wears a patch over his eye. The captain said, Arrrr, a seagull pooped in me eye, and it was me first day with a hook.
Why do Seagulls hang out by the ocean?
Because if they hung out by the bay, they'd be bagels.
The anthropology student and the pirate.
An anthropology student was interviewing a retired pirate.
The student said: You have a wooden leg, a hook in place of a hand, and a patch over what I assume is an empty eye socket! How did all this happen?
The pirate replied:
I lost the leg to a canon call
I lost the hand in a sword fight
And I lost the eye because a seagull shit in it
The student was skeptical:
A little seagull shit shouldn't have cost you an eye!
The pirate said:
It was the first day with the hook...
3 men are standing on a cliff near the ocean.
Suddenly, a genie appears and says: "I can turn you into anything you want, if you jump off this cliff. Just say what you want to transform into after jumping, and I will work my magic."
The first man jumps, and shouts:
He then transforms into a seagull, and flies away.
The second man jumps, and shouts:
He turns into a whale, and lands in the water.
The third man, tripped on a rock and shouted:
A propper pirate walks into a bar, wearing his pirate hat, eye patch, old guns by his hip, of course also a hook and all these kind of things. The barmaid asks him:
What the hell happened to you?! Why do you have a hook?! He replies: „Ah well its just one of these war stories, you know.. lost my hand in a fight.
„Wow! And how did you get the eye patch? sais she.
„Oh, that is because seagull shit into my eye there once.
The barmaid responds: „What?! But nobody loses his eyesight from this?!
„Yes that is true.. answers the pirate, „..but at that point I only had the hook since 3 days.
A propper pirate walks into a bar, wearing his pirate hat, eye patch, old guns by his hip, of course also a hook and all these kind of things. The barmaid asks him:
What the hell happened to you?! Why do you have a hook?! He replies: „Ah well its just one of these war stories, you know.. lost my hand in a fight.
„Wow! And how did you get the eye patch? sais she.
„Oh, that is because seagull shit into my eye there once.
The barmaid responds: „What?! But nobody loses his eyesight from this?!
„Yes that is true.. answers the pirate, „..but at that point I only had the hook since 3 days.
I have a friend who does the best ever seagull impression.
He can't do the noise, he just nicks your chips and shits on your car.
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay they would be called bay gulls.
What do you call a seagull that's not allowed in the country ?
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